Monday, June 19, 2006

THE Most Brutally effective tools for dominating search engine listings for continuously pocketing thousands of dollars every month.

Hi, This cool new tool has endless possibilities.

It Simplifies your process of development. With this Script you can create and automate multiple word press blogs from just one set of wp files with a click of a button. Automate the posting to each blog and category with RSS Feeds, it’s one of those set it and forget it options.

A Multi-Blogging system on auto pilot is one of the Most Brutally effective tools for dominating search engine listings for continuously pocketing thousands of dollars every month.

Here is just a few things it can do: (view website to see complete details and Demo) …. SEE HERE .

- Uses only one set of WP-files and one Database for all blogs to save on server space.
- create multiple blogs (each domain can have as many blogs as you like)
- Each blog has it’s own WP Admin Area (Even though there are only one set of WP Files, I know, its mind boggling)
- You can Customize each blog independently.
- Add/Edit/Delete all from within the API or Directly from each blogs WP admin, it’s your choice.
- Add Additional Plugins once and they are automatically active for every blog.
- Add Additional Themes once and they are automatically available for every blog.
- Change from one theme to another instantly
- Automate Postings to each blog and category, Auto Post daily or in intervals.

There’s Much more, so for a better picture … SEE HERE


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